Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I started this blog post thinking that there would be little to update you on but honestly, quite a bit has happened this month that I didn't even realise until I finished writing, so I thought I would tell you.
Now the biggest thing that's happened is that I've started my driving lessons again. Like I said before, I did loads of lessons but then because of exams and revision sessions after school, it was just really difficult me for to continue on with it. Plus, my driving lessons were really expensive and I just wasn't getting on well with my instructor. I mean, there wasn't anything wrong with him specifically, he just didn't suit me and how I needed to learn. Anyway, I switched from a large driving company to an individual woman who was recommended to me by my friend, who passed her driving test last year so I trusted her opinion and I'm so GLAD I did. I've already had one lesson with this one woman and it was fantastic. I was so nervous about even getting into the car because by this point, I hadn't driven for over 2 months so I thought I would have forgotten everything. However, within 5 minutes of driving, I felt so comfortable with it; it was as if I hadn't had any time off at all. It sounds bad when I say that she was hardly paying attention to my driving but honestly, I think it helped me. It meant that some things started to become more instinctual because someone wasn't telling me exactly what to do like my other instructor did; I just had to do it for myself. The lessons with her are also cheaper so it really just works out better for me overall.
The next thing I wanted to update you about is work. It was going so well until the 6 weeks holidays started and now the shop is ridiculously busy just ALL the time, especially since I work on Thursdays, Friday's and Saturdays when so many customers come in with their bratty little children. It also means that I'm called onto the checkout constantly which means any work I'm supposed to be doing on my department goes undone. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that my boss found out that I am quitting at the end of the month (because I'm going to university, hopefully) and so asked Personnel if I could be transferred to the store near campus, which was so nice of him. One of the women from Personnel then spoke to me and said she would send them an email of recommendation if I ring up and introduce myself first, which I will once I find out my results and whether I'm actually going to university now.
That brings me into my next thing that I wanted to talk about which is A-Level Results day. I'm writing this 2 days before I find out and yet I'm still not as nervous as I thought I would be. Honestly, I really don't know how I feel about it so I'll have to wait until after I actually get my results to see.

The last thing I wanted to say was that it is currently 16 days until my 18th birthday and I'm so excited. It's so awful being the last one out of all my friends who turns 18 because they all go out all the time and I just have to stay at home. I think I'm just going to do something simple like dinner and a few drinks with my friends. We haven't got long before we all go our separate ways so I just think it'd be nice for us all to get together and have a little fun.

Anyway, I'll definitely be writing an A-Level Results day post like I did last year, as well as writing an update on how August goes.

Tayla xx