Monday, September 07, 2015


I know I haven't posted anything on this blog for ages but I've been so busy, its just insane so I thought I would update you on what's been happening over the last few weeks.

Probably the biggest thing that happened in August is that I got my A-Level Results and I'm so happy to say that I PASSED. Like I said before, it hadn't really hit me until the day before but when it did, I felt so nervous. I woke up really early on the day and checked on Twitter to see how people were feeling before we went to get our grades from Sixth Form at 9am. There were some people who were saying that they were so happy because they had gotten into university and so I decided to look on UCAS just in case. I couldn't find my password for about 15 minutes and my heart was literally racing the entire time. But when it finally worked, I just froze through sheer shock when I read the words 'Congratulations'. I obviously didn't know the actual grades until I went to pick them up at about 9am but I didn't care because I got into university which is all I've EVER wanted.

Actually as I'm writing this, I move out in 6 days which still hasn't hit me and I don't think it will until I get there. I've got pretty much everything sorted apart from the fact that I need to get my student ID and enrol for the on campus surgery which I can do when I get there, but I'd rather do it before. All my accommodation has been sorted and paid for and I've got a few books on Psychology which is what I'm going to be studying, all ready to go. A lot of the basic household things that I need I haven't bought yet but really its just because I don't want to have to travel with a load of stuff I might not need, so I plan to buy things there. I would definitely like to write a 'Tips for Uni' type blog post once I've got settled in, so I can pass on anything I've learnt to other freshers or people possibly thinking of going to university.

Another thing that I wanted to speak about is the fact that I have my own car which is so EXCITING. I don't know if I mentioned but I was looking into getting a car first and then my mom told me that it might be cheaper to put me on her insurance, which it wasn't. Then my auntie decided that she was selling her car so my mom bought it for me as kind of a 'Congratulations-for-getting-into-uni-and-happy-birthday' type gift because it was my birthday 2 weeks after. I turned 18 so I am now an ADULT. It feels both weird and strange and yet completely normal at the same time. I did say that I was going to write a blog post about my birthday presents like I did the year before last which I will leave a link to here (My 'Sweet Sixteen'), but I didn't get a hell of a lot which I knew, because people just gave me money and like I said, the car from my mom was my bulk gift. I did get a few clothes, some shoes and champagne, which I have yet to open.

The last and final thing I wanted to speak about was that I have actually handed my notice in at work so I did my last shift on Saturday. It wasn't like particularly special or anything really, but I was told by my team manager that he secured me a transfer from this store to the one near my university campus. He also said that he kept my job here meaning that when I come home during half-term or at Christmas at whatever, I can still work at my local store which was really nice of him. I want to ring the general manager to make sure that its actually legit and find out all the details because I literally have NO idea what's going on with. I don't know if I'm moving departments or starting a new contract.

So that's pretty much all I have to update you on for the month of August, I definitely want to write about how September goes especially since it'll be my first month away from home.

Tayla xx