Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Future

Recently I watched a video by a YouTuber called Bertie Gilbert and he pretty much summed up everything that I've been thinking recently. He's the same age as me and he had the same worries about the future. I felt like I could relate because even though I'm only 16 as well, I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. It sort of scares me that there's a whole world of possibilities and I still can't pick which one I want to spend my life doing. People say that you should do things you enjoy doing but I enjoy loads of things. How can I pick one? At Sixth Form, we've already had an assembly about university and it panicked me. How am I supposed to pick a uni when I don't know what I want to do?

For years, I wanted to be a translator because it provides you with amazing travel opportunities and I really loved doing languages; even though I loved learning Spanish, it was hard work and I wasn't prepared to do it A-Level. Then I wanted to be a Clinical Psychologist because I loved Psychology at GCSE. I remember my teacher asking me and she seemed absolutely delighted with the idea because that's what she had wanted to do but had gotten into teaching
Psychology instead. I honestly thought about doing this for my career and even looked into universities that specialized in Psychology degrees. However, when I started doing it A-Level, it just wasn't how I thought it was going to be. I was seriously considering dropping it but decided to keep it in case I change my mind. Another career option I've thought about is something to do with English, I've always loved it and that's why I started this blog. I thought it would be a good experience that helps me to develop my vocabulary and sentence structure. I also like being in charge of something that's mine, I control everything on here and it makes me feel happy that I can create something like this all by myself.

The last time I thought about my future career I wanted to be a journalist but now I'm not so sure. The media is slated so much and to be honest, I'm not sure if I could cope with that. I'm so confused with what's going to happen. Soon, I'll have to choose a degree to study and what if what I want to do, I haven't chosen the right A-Levels for. What if I have to start the whole year again with different choices? Or what if I go to uni and decide that I don't want to do that? How much of my life will I have wasted before I realize? That scares me.

My Maths teacher at GCSE was so passionate about his job, he would talk about how 'Maths was the foundation to everything' and how 'we wouldn't be here without Maths'. Loads of people thought he was totally insane but I knew that he just loved his job. He loved Maths and what's wrong with that? I want that (whether that's with Maths or with anything). I just want to be happy with my life. I want a job that makes me happy. I want to be able to walk into work every day and know that I'm doing something good, you know?

If anyone feels like that, let me know or you can watch Bertie's video here.


  1. great post! would you like to follow eachother?

    1. Thank you! and sure, I'd love too :)

      Tayla xx

  2. Your blog is fabulous!
    Check out mine?

  3. Thank you:) for some reason I can't access your blog, sorry:(

    Tayla xx
