Sunday, December 14, 2014

YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014

As you guys know, I've been watching channels on YouTube for about three years now so its always a big thing at the end of the year when the YouTube Rewind video comes out. I've watched every one that they've made but I only watched the 2013 one and this years one in real time, meaning in like the week it came out. I had to go back and watch the others because I never even knew it existed before.
The best part about the YouTube Rewind videos is that they include so many YouTubers that I recognised and watch myself. I felt strangely proud because it makes me realise how popular they've become to be included in things like this. I know it sounds weird but its true; you feel like you've had a helping hand in their success through consistently watching videos all year long, as well as buying any products or projects that they've released.
YouTube has become one of the best platforms for creators because it opens up so many doors and allows viewers to delve into the worlds of real, genuine people. Like I said, I feel so happy watching them that its become very much a part of my everyday life. The YouTube Rewind 2014 video just confirmed that. I'll leave a link to all the channels I can remember, that were included in this years Rewind video so you can all enjoy them yourselves.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Christmas Countdown

Can I just start off by saying that its December which means it's almost CHRISTMAS. For some reason this year, I've really got into the spirit of it; I think its because it's my last Christmas before I go off to university so I'm almost desperate to make it a good'un. 
Now this will only be a really quick post because I just wanted to announce that I will be posting every single day of the last week before Christmas, so the 18th to the 25th of December. I want to do this not only for you guys, but for myself. I feel like if I can accomplish this, then it gives me more incentive to get into the excitement of the holidays as well as do some cool festive activities.
I'm in the process of planning what I'm going to be blogging about for the week but to warn you, it will all be Christmas themed obviously. I would love to hear any suggestions about what I should write about in case you want to see anything specifically but generally I am going to go ALL OUT (or as much as I can at least). I'm talking my favourite Christmas songs, gift ideas as well as a few cheeky surprises if all goes to plan.
If you would like to follow my blog then you can and I will leave last week's post below if you want to have a little read of it.
Tayla xx