Tuesday, September 17, 2013

REVIEW: 'Wrecking Ball' by Miley Cyrus

Miley, not even you can pull this off.
I decided to write a post today about Miley Cyrus' new song "Wrecking Ball" which was released just over a week ago and broke all kinds of crazy records on VEVO; now as you know, I have no shame when it comes to music so I'll admit it: I LIKE THE SONG. I really do. The rhythm is catchy and upbeat and very 'pop-y' if that's a word and I enjoy that. I don't think the song is the reason why she's been causing a lot of controversy: its the delightful music video that accompanies it.
I'm going to be honest, I didn't really see the attention around it just because she's naked. We get it. She is nude, we KNOW. Now, I did think it was really strange that she was licking a hammer or lying on a pile of concrete (ouchy); it made no sense at all. So Miley, a word of advice - don't do that again. We're all uncomfortable..
  Most of the actual video was really good though; I understood the metaphor of the 'wrecking ball' and everything. I thought her makeup was quite simple but understated (I don't know if it was just me but it really annoyed me how she had a string of spit between her teeth at the start, ew). I thought her voice sounded sooooo good compared to her other songs; I like the fact that it showcases her talent a bit more as a song should.

I think the only reason she's caused so much debate on social media since its release is because of who she was. She WAS Hannah Montana, for me and a whole generation of young kids. She was the girl that people wanted to be; we wanted to live the double life that Miley lead. She was so successful on Disney channel, her concert movies and the Hannah Montana merchandise; I understand wanting to separate yourself from the person you were back then. I've heard a lot of people say "I miss the old Miley" but how can you? You didn't know her when she was "America's sweetheart", she might always have been like this but we didn't know because all we saw was that young girl singing in a blonde wig then being a normal teenager when she took it off (what's up with that anyway? Surely people would have guessed... I'm side-tracking...). Look, we have to accept who she wants to be, like it or not. And I do, so there.
Hannah Montana 2007
Miley Cyrus 2013

A whole paragraph on defending Miley Cyrus, wow my standards have dropped. Oh well.

You can watch it here:


  1. love miley! your blog is really nice:-)
    please check mine out?:-)

    1. I would love too, what's your blog called?xx
