Thursday, January 30, 2014

January Favourites 2014

Since its the end of January, I thought I'd better write a post on my monthly favourites so far. There haven't actually been a lot but I have enjoyed every single one of them so its probably best I get started. So let's go!

Makeup Products:

Seventeen High Drama Intense Liquid Eyeliner: I was given this as part of a eyeliner set from my mom for Christmas and I was just going to continue to use my Maybelline Eyestudio Gel Eyeliner until I'd finished. But for some reason, I just felt like a bit of a change I don't know why. I tried out all of the eyeliners from the set and I liked them all, so I doubt I'm ever going to have to buy some myself because I've got loads now. I might do a full review on that set soon because I think its a really good product in general. I've just had a look online at the price of just this liquid eyeliner and it was only about £4 which I think is brilliant.

Nail Products:

Elegant Touch Rapid Dry For Nails: I love this soooo much. I've only just starting using it even though I know I've had it for months, maybe even years. It sounds really stupid but I've just never thought about it so I would complain that my nails were smudged because it took too long to dry, and just not use it. Now this spray dries my nail varnish so quickly, like within 60 seconds or so. Now one thing that I have found that it does, is that sometimes when you paint your nails a bright colour, after a day or so, the colour starts to fade and it doesn't look right. This spray keeps the colour for longer which I like so I think its a good product. Again, its pretty cheap so I think its a great product to invest in if you, like me, are too impatient to wait for your nails to dry.

Face Products:

Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing Cleanser: I feel like my mom bought something from the Clean & Clear collection a few years ago when I had just started getting all spotty and everything. I obviously didn't use it at all because I didn't really see the importance of skin care when I was like 12 or so. Now, my skin has been okay for years but these last few months have just been awful for my face. So, I have decided to cleanse twice a day, NO EXCUSES. I've actually seen the benefits in the last few weeks and I just feel better as well knowing that I have done all I can to help my poor skin.


The Tomorrow People: This is an American TV about people with powers and them having to hide from those who want to hunt them. I have really gotten into it lately, there has only been a few episodes because it takes forever for UK channels to play them. I mean, sometimes a series in America might have already ended before it starts over here, I mean what the hell? I have to fight the urge not to look up what happens on Wikipedia because I have absolutely no patience, as we have already established.
Feel free to check out my last blog post: Top Five Beauty Tips

Friday, January 17, 2014

Top Five Beauty Tips

Hello folks, now it feels like its been forever since I've written a post even though it hasn't even been two weeks. Its probably because I've been so busy starting back with Sixth Form and everything, plus my laptop has broken so I've had to use my mom's for today while she's at work. Now I thought I'd write a post about my Top Five Beauty Tips because I've been really lazy with my skin and hair routine over the past few months; I think that if I post and physically release it into the world then I have absolutely NO excuse. So, lets get started!

  • The first tip is to always condition thoroughly; now I have really frizzy hair and I've always sort of complained about it but never done anything about it. I've looked online and saw that some things that are supposed to be really good, are also REALLY expensive. Now, this was an accident actually but I used the biggest handful of conditioner ever and it actually worked. My hair started to become less frizzy which meant that my curls hung more; this makes my hair look a lot longer than it actually is which I think looks so much better. Now the conditioner I use is the Tresemme Salon Silk Conditioner which isn't for any particular reason than that my mom bought that one. I really like it because it makes my hair feel really soft and smooth. It also smells nice as well which is a bonus.

  • My second tip is to always use lip balm; I've only just started using it regularly which is awful. I bought some lip balm and then I was given Nivea lip set for Christmas; I use it every single day, sometimes even twice a day. I hate thinking about the way my lips used to bleed because of how cracked they were, it was absolutely vile. I love the way my lips feel now though, because they just feel plump and lovely. Its just great.

  • The third tip is to use Vaseline as a makeup remover; now I had been using makeup wipes which aren't the best for your eyes and they can irritate your skin. Plus, they don't always remove things like eyeliner and mascara which means that if you shower, you can get 'panda eyes'. I put Vaseline on my eyelashes after looking it up online because I wanted them to grow longer and thicker. Then I found out that if you swipe a cotton bud across your lash line, it removes the makeup so much easier and avoids any gunk that will clog up in your eyes.

  • The fourth tip is to always moisturise; I always moisturise my face using the Simple Kind to Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser because it just makes my skin feel soft and refreshed. I do it after I cleanse and before I do my makeup. I use it because of the fact that it gives my face a certain glow which makes my foundation look better. Plus, I do it at night before I go to bed but using Nivea Soft Refreshingly Moisturising Cream because it isn't as shiny as my morning one. I don't know where I bought my morning moisturiser, I feel like I've just had loads of makeup items and things that I've only started using recently... how strange. I don't have so much as a regular routine for my body moisturiser as I have loads of bottles from beauty sets from Christmases and birthdays. I usually just use the matching moisturiser with the shower gel because it feels really wrong to use a peach-scented soap with a chocolate-flavoured lotion. I mean, ew.

  • My last and final tip is to always look online when plucking your eyebrows; everybody has them but not everyone knows how to style them properly. Point being ME, circa 2010. I had never really bothered with my eyebrows until I was about 12 or so but when I look back at old photos of me from before that, I wish someone had plucked them properly because they are absolutely awful. Now for about a year or so perhaps, I didn't really do much with them apart from slightly pluck between them and underneath. However, around year 9 I began to take more interest and started plucking them intensely. The word 'over-pluck' is definitely not the word because I went from having quite large brows to the thinnest line of hair ever. They were absolutely ridiculous, I mean, I have a huge head, I'm not going to lie, which made it even worse. They took about a YEAR AND A HALF to grow back completely and ever since then, I have carefully thought out how often I pluck my eyebrows and where I do it. Over the last few weeks, I've been trying to fill out my left eyebrow because it doesn't match my right eyebrow (its such a fuss I tell you). I've been using guides online to try to shape to the best of my ability and its sort of working I guess. My advice for anyone thinking of plucking their eyebrows is to look online first and see the best way to do it because trust me, you will regret it otherwise.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

REVIEW: 'Adore You' by Miley Cyrus

She has done it AGAIN. Miley Cyrus has made another video that has caused controversy about the... um delicate subject matter. Now if people think the 'Wrecking Ball' video was graphic, HOLY COW, watch 'Adore You' and you will never feel clean again (I'm slightly exaggerating this for comic effect but you get the gist). Again, just like last time, I think the actual song itself is brilliant. Miley's voice sounds frickin' amazing in this song, it really really does. She sounds absolutely fantastic and I'm not just saying it because she does. That song really plays to her vocal strengths which is a sort of raspy but incredibly beautiful sound.

However, the music video makes me feel violated. I really don't need the image of her writhing around in bed touching herself, just burning in my mind, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. It just looks really wrong. And I'm speaking as a teenager myself so all the adults out there cannot say that this is what we want. Because it really isn't. When 'Wrecking Ball' came out, a lot of her fans defended her on Twitter and I can understand looking back on it because I guess it was "artistic", if you like that sort of thing. Now this video has came out, I see many of those same people sort of questioning her... 'judgement', shall we say?

I know that she's probably top of the charts and I guess that's why she made the video as intense as it is, so people will continue to talk about it because of its graphic nature, and then the song will get stuck in their heads and that's what will make them buy the single. But I think she missed a trick, I mean she could have made the same style of video if she wanted to if that was the inspiration for the song was but just less pornographic. We didn't need to see everything as crudely as it was made. She could have been more vague I guess in the way the video was portrayed, I mean that's what I thought anyway and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, right?

I watched her documentary on MTV and she said something like "people think I'm a hot mess, but it's a strategic hot mess" and it begs the question, what kind of strategy is she going for? And what's coming next? I'd hate for her to be the next Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears, I know they have their lives together now but for a while, and I hate to say this but it was pretty touch and go. I remember reading articles about them when I was younger (circa 2007) and just being worried for them, you know? They were the people that a lot of young kids looked up to, I know I did. I had every single album of Britney's; my friend and I used to choreograph dances to her songs, just wishing we were "as cool as she was". I don't want this Miley to be the person my younger cousins look up to. Vocally and musically, she is perfect and I do love a lot of her songs but this video is just too far. Sorry, folks, that's just my honest opinion.

To watch the 'Adore You' music video: click HERE

To watch the 'Wrecking Ball' music video: click HERE

To read my blog post on the 'Wrecking Ball' music video: click HERE