Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May Favourites 2014

I thought I would write a quick Favourites post because I've accumulated a few new things recently that I love, and so I thought you would like to know. I will update you on how my exams went because I've done 9 out of 10 of them now but I thought it'd be nice to do a May Favourites post first since June is almost upon us!

Makeup Products:

Nivea Daily Essentials Double Effect Eye Makeup Remover: My mom bought this for me because I had used up all of my Bliss Lid + Lash Wash Makeup Remover (I spoke about this product in My Morning Skin Routine post). There was nothing wrong with the Bliss product and I would've continued to keep buying that if my mom hadn't bought the Nivea makeup remover before I got the chance. However, I'm so glad she did because this is SO much better. With the Bliss product, you would have to use it twice a day, once before you put your makeup on in the morning to make sure you've removed all your makeup from the day before AND at night when you've taken all of your makeup off. I do the exact same thing with the Nivea makeup remover but I've found that you could probably get away with only using it once a day because it removes every last scrap of makeup from your eyes the first time round. That's the only thing I care about from an eye makeup remover because its so disgusting when you get black slodges around your eyes when you wake up in the morning.

I've just read the back of the bottle and it says that the product works so well because they use a 'two-phase extra strength formula' of oil to remove waterproof mascara and eye makeup, and a watery substance to protect and care for the eyelashes. Even though it uses an oil based formula, you would never EVER be able to tell, trust me. I can usually never use products with oil in it just because I have naturally oily skin and I hate the way it makes my face feel; some products also cause my skin to breakout which my skin hasn't while using this, so BONUS.

Body Products:

The Body Shop Chocomania Body Butter: I got this as part of a body set and haven't used it until recently. Now usually I tend to use a simply smelling moisturiser, just because I've found that products which have any sort of scent can irritate my skin. However, this one doesn't and I LOVE the smell, I really do. It's not sickly like real chocolate but just is just as amazing. It leaves your skin feeling so soft and hydrated for a good 24 hours which is so rare in a moisturiser, let alone one which is only £13 for 200ml. I only use this one after I've had a bath because I pair it with The Body Shop Chocomania Sugar Body Scrub which II have to say, 'm not the biggest fan of. Its okay as a scrub but it doesn't smell as nice as the Body Butter and doesn't really have a great texture like other body scrubs.
For people who don't live in the UK, I'm not sure if The Body Shop ships worldwide but I do know that they sell the exact same product on Amazon which you can find HERE.


Criminal Minds: I have written about this before in my September Favourites 2013 and I still absolutely LOVE it. I feel like this season, series 9, has just been getting better and better. And scarier too. Each episode is just brilliantly written and directed and I really love it. Here in the UK, we are close to the series finale and that makes me so sad. My Monday nights just won't be the same without it so I really hope series 10 starts soon.
I would recommend this show to anyone who likes programmes like CSI or NCIS, shows like that which have a bit of action and crime and drama and STUFFS.

Revision Resources:

Memrise: This is an app that my Psychology teacher recommended as a way of revising for our Core Studies exam. Now I do like it because its very simple to set up and it sends you notifications saying 'It's time for revision' and all you have to do is answer a few questions on whatever you need to revise. There are also tons of courses and subjects to pick from and so I used it to revise for both of my Sociology and Psychology exams.

However, it must be said that since people can create their own revision resources, there are a few little problems with the questions that they give you. I would not advise using this app as your sole revision resource but I think its a good way of practising what you do know, so you can really smash your exam. All you have to do is search 'Memrise' in the AppStore and download it, easy peasy!

And that's it for my May Favourites, I always keep a note of new shows, foods, makeup products and other things that I've been enjoying as the weeks and months go on so who knows when the next one will be.

Check out my last blog post: Exams: The Big Push, where I tell you about my final days revising before my exams started.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Exams: The Big Push

I always knew that I would write a post on the final few days before my exams start just because I felt like I wanted, no NEEDED, to get everything out. All my thoughts about revision, exams and everything in between. I feel like it was only yesterday that I wrote about taking my GCSE's, which you can read about in Exams: Stressed or Relaxed?, and now I'm doing my AS Levels. I just cannot believe how quick this last year has gone, its absolutely unbelieveable.

I spent all of yesterday revising for Sociology and so I've decided to have a little bit of a break before I start revising Psychology later on today. My first exam is tomorrow and its only General Studies so I think I should be okay. I'm probably more nervous about doing exams in a different school rather than the actual exam itself. I think its because at my high school I knew what was going to happen, I knew where the room was, where I was going to sit and who was sitting around me. Since I'm doing my A-Levels at a different school, I have no idea what the hell is going on and that really scares me. I've been at that school for 8 months and I don't know where anything is apart from my own classes. What if I get lost? Or can't find my seat?

I have 9 exams in 2 weeks and then another one a fortnight afterwards, and so I probably won't write a post in the next few weeks. I will definitely update you as to how my exams went just because I feel like there are people out there who need some reassurance about the way they work, I know I did and still do.

This is point in the post where I start having heart palpiltations after realising how little revision I've actually done. I think I'm going to start right now so I just wanted to wish everybody good luck in any exams that they're preparing for or any coursework deadlines that they are finishing, whether thats GCSE or A Levels. I know its difficult but YOU CAN DO IT, this is the final push of revision before we're DONE.

You can read my last blog post here: REVIEW: 'You and I' by One Direction

Friday, May 02, 2014

REVIEW: 'You and I' by One Direction

Now usually I am pretty much up to date with pop culture I guess, most of the time because I see it trending on Twitter or because I read magazines and things like that. But this one sort of surprised me for some reason, I mean, when I heard that One Direction had released their new music video, I didn't go and watch it straight away. As you know, I am a big fan of One Direction and so it was pretty odd for me. But when I finally did see it, I liked it.

I am of course talking about 'You and I' by One Direction which was released on VEVO on the 18th of April 2014. That was just over a week ago and its almost got 18 MILLION views. I mean, its absolutely insane, it really is.

The video has a simple kind of idea I guess, it starts off with each of the boys individually morphing into each other as they walk along a pier. I don't actually know what the official technical term is but there was a bit of controversy in the last week or so, because apparently One Direction stole this type of special effect from an Australian boyband. Now I'm not being funny but I've never even heard of them and plus they probably didn't even have any part of directing the video. I mean, come on. By the way, Ben Winston was the director of 'You and I' and I think he did a really good job. He also directed 'Best Song Ever', 'Story of My Life' and 'Midnight Memories'.

You can also read my other One Direction music video reviews below:
REVIEW: Story of My Life
REVIEW: Midnight Memories

Overall, I REALLY like the video, I think they all look really good throughout and I really like the song in general. The instrumental melody sounds great, something about a guitar is just beautiful, it really is. Anyway, they sound really good together and Zayn's high note at the end was just PERFECT. If you haven't heard it then you definitely should. Its an absolute treat to the ears and the EYES. Now if you want to watch the video yourself then click here:

Check out my last blog post: April Favourites 2014