Sunday, May 11, 2014

Exams: The Big Push

I always knew that I would write a post on the final few days before my exams start just because I felt like I wanted, no NEEDED, to get everything out. All my thoughts about revision, exams and everything in between. I feel like it was only yesterday that I wrote about taking my GCSE's, which you can read about in Exams: Stressed or Relaxed?, and now I'm doing my AS Levels. I just cannot believe how quick this last year has gone, its absolutely unbelieveable.

I spent all of yesterday revising for Sociology and so I've decided to have a little bit of a break before I start revising Psychology later on today. My first exam is tomorrow and its only General Studies so I think I should be okay. I'm probably more nervous about doing exams in a different school rather than the actual exam itself. I think its because at my high school I knew what was going to happen, I knew where the room was, where I was going to sit and who was sitting around me. Since I'm doing my A-Levels at a different school, I have no idea what the hell is going on and that really scares me. I've been at that school for 8 months and I don't know where anything is apart from my own classes. What if I get lost? Or can't find my seat?

I have 9 exams in 2 weeks and then another one a fortnight afterwards, and so I probably won't write a post in the next few weeks. I will definitely update you as to how my exams went just because I feel like there are people out there who need some reassurance about the way they work, I know I did and still do.

This is point in the post where I start having heart palpiltations after realising how little revision I've actually done. I think I'm going to start right now so I just wanted to wish everybody good luck in any exams that they're preparing for or any coursework deadlines that they are finishing, whether thats GCSE or A Levels. I know its difficult but YOU CAN DO IT, this is the final push of revision before we're DONE.

You can read my last blog post here: REVIEW: 'You and I' by One Direction

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