Friday, January 02, 2015

Welcome to 2015, let's do BETTER

I just wanted to start off this year with a really quick blog post about my New Year's Resolutions. Now, I never normally think that they are a good idea because if you want to save money or quit smoking or spend more time with your family, which are all good in theory, you don't need to wait until the 1st of January to put it into practice. You can do any of them at ANY time of the year. However, this time I decided to make one which I feel I can and will do to the best of my ability. This is just to strive to be BETTER.
In my case, I feel like I should be aiming to be a better student; I want to work as hard as possible and use my time to the best of my ability which I felt like I perhaps tried to last year but didn't necessarily do it. This year, I want to go that extra mile to ensure my A-Level results are exactly what I feel that I can get because I know for a fact that if I don't get what I want, I will cry. Like seriously. Especially since I have worked hard for it. Now the only way I can guarantee this is to put more effort into my education; I have to write optional essays and do practice exam papers as well as revising whenever I get the chance to.
It's funny as well because despite already being pretty motivated when it comes down to things like this, I can get pretty lazy. I sometimes, okay ALWAYS, get stuck in a rut of watching a whole series of a TV show in half a day which is completely pointless and a waste of my time. I need to be constantly productive this year so that when I do actually relax, I don't feel guilty doing it because I know I've been working hard.
I also want to make an active effort to spend more time with my friends, perhaps because this is our last real year together before we all our separate ways. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly excited to start my new life at university but I will always miss the people I'm leaving behind. They were, and still are, the most fantastically brilliant group of very different individuals but I know for a fact, that we will still find some way to hang out whenever we can.
Last but not least, my final resolution is to start eating healthier because I realised that I eat a hell of a lot of chocolate. This is the one thing that everyone tries to do but I feel like I really can do it because like I said before, I'm trying to DO BETTER. I want to be a better student and friend and daughter and ultimately a better person. One of the reasons why I feel like this is because of the fact that I turn 18 this August which means I will be an official and legal adult. I feel like in order to properly contribute to society in the best way possible is to focus on yourself as an individual first as cliché as that sounds, and as a sociology student, it really really does. Anyway, this is the only way that I will improve my entire being, whether that's socially, physically, academically or emotionally: I want to be BETTER.
I feel like everyone should have this goal because there is no such thing as a perfect person, we can all be better and I think it's time we try to be.
Tayla xx

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