Monday, January 26, 2015


As I mentioned in my last blog post (which was over three weeks ago GOSH DARN IT) I set myself a few goals for the year and I wanted to check in on how I'm achieving them so far.
My first main one was to become a better student and I feel like I'm slowly getting there. I've been doing work as soon as I get given it because it gives me more free time to do whatever I wanted. I used to watch TV or listen to music while doing work which is okay for most people, but I get distracted so easily that I end up never doing anything. I would spend an entire day writing one essay which I should've been able to do in 30 minutes. Lately though, I've been trying to utilise my 'Free' Lessons in school (time we're given to do any homework) to the best of my ability by just getting the work DONE. Sometimes its really difficult because I just want to talk to my friend but I'm really really trying.
Another one that's sort of school related is that I've been trying to talk to the Year 12's in my tutor more whenever they ask for my help about the Sixth Form, exams etc. Last year when I was in Year 12, the Year 13's in my tutor were not very helpful in answering any questions I had because they were either never there or just couldn't be bothered. It was one of reasons why I really struggled to fit in at the start because things were so new to me, I was constantly surprised by everything. If you know my personality, you know that I thrive off consistency (ironic since I hardly post on this blog anymore lol) and therefore find it difficult when I'm not sure what's going to happen. This year, I don't feel like that anymore because I'm very much settled and know what to expect when it comes to the rest of the year. I think its my responsibility to make sure the Year 12's feel comfortable with any surprises that come their way in order to ease their first year at Sixth Form.
One of my other goals was to start eating better foods and I feel like I am doing really well. I used to go the shop at least twice a week and buy myself a little treat which was so incredibly unhealthy, let alone expensive. This is officially my 26th day of not buying absolute rubbish and I'm so proud. I LOVE all forms of chocolate, sweets, crisps etc, and I thought it would be harder than it has been to cut them out of my life. I haven't been going 'cold turkey' as they say but I've just been reducing the amount I eat for both my body's and bank account's benefit. Anyway, I'll probably write about that more in another post but just know that I'm doing well and plan to continue on with it.
That's all I have to say about this month and I know I usually make promises about blogging but I'm not going to today. I have so much work on plate right now, its better to just write whenever I feel like it or else it becomes a task rather than something I love doing. And I still do. I absolutely love it and it kills me that I don't have enough time to do it in the way I want but my grades have to come first at the moment (boo!) I do have some specific things I want to write about but I don't know when they're coming so you'll just have to keep checking in right!
Tayla xx

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