Friday, December 06, 2013


This makes me sad that this
isn't even all of my work.
Now, I wanted to write this post because a few days ago, I was honestly just fed up of Sixth Form. The first half-term was pretty much fine, it wasn't too bad settling in to a new school or trying to do the work. Everyone said that "the step between GCSE and A-Levels is much bigger than anything you'll do" and to be honest, I did think it was sort of an exaggeration because I didn't find the work difficult at all. But it has FINALLY hit me.

Not just the countless amount of essays I have to write for English or the ridiculously complicated equations that I have to solve for Mathematics, but the tiredness and stress of Sixth Form. Also, waking up at half 6 and leaving for school by half 7 is definitely a challenge, especially lately. I mean, some days when I leave the house, the sun hasn't even rose yet. It can actually be like pitch black when I leave the house which I hate, especially since I have to walk 15 minutes on my own.
If that flaming ball of fire can't even be bothered to get up then I don't see why I should, do you?
I have to say that I have never felt as absolutely exhausted as I have in the last few weeks. I've been literally having 9 hours sleep and that's still not enough; I think because I walk for 2 hours to school and back, it just takes it out of me. Especially because I have the worst timetable so I stay all day when my friends have lie-ins and half-days. I've also been ill for a few days so that was absolutely beautiful *coughs* sarcasm. I'm hardly ever ill so when I am, its a BIG deal (for me anyway).

I think it so sad that the only thing that gets me through the week is the promise and hope of the joy that is FRIDAY. Never have I ever sympathized with Rebecca Black as much as I do now (look at me referencing popular culture- only 2 years late, woo).


  1. I know, it's hard, but time goes so fast and getting your a levels will mean you can go to uni which is blinkin brilliant, so its all worth it in the end

    Please come check out my latest post if you have time :)

    Fragile Bird |



  2. That's pretty much the only thing getting me through: the thought of going to uni :) thanks x

    Your blog looks so professional, its beautiful:)

    Tayla xx
