Friday, September 05, 2014

Back to Sixth Form

As you know I promised to write about my first week back at Sixth Form and even though I was going to blog on Tuesday, I was just so tired I basically fell asleep as soon as I got in. I completely forgot how exhausting it is to concentrate on work for hours at a time, even though I've been doing less work than I did in the first week of Year 12. I mean, I have a really good timetable this year so any free lessons I have for period 1 or 2, I have a lie-in which is AMAZING. Waking up at half 6 every single day last year and then walking an hour to school is really enough.

Now on Tuesday we had to register for our Year 13 courses and I had sort of psyched myself up to continuing with the 4 subjects I did last year. However when I was sat there listening to the Head of Sixth Form talking about how difficult it would be, I just couldn't do it. I decided to drop Maths because it was one of my lowest grades apart from Psychology and since I want to do that as a career, Maths had to go. I felt really upset all day which is pretty ridiculous really but I absolutely LOVED Maths and I know that's strange. I've always found it quite easy I guess and I think one of the reasons why I really like it is because its logical and rational. I like being able to have clear cut instructions on how to solve equations and its so satisfying to come to the correct answer. It just makes you feel pretty darm GOOD.

I also found out that me and one of my best friends ever have the exact same timetable meaning that we get to spend all of our frees together which is so great. I used to get so lonely when I would have to sit there on my own just doing work because I never knew anyone who had the same timetable and if I did, they always sat in the Common Rooms rather than in the Study Centre. But this year, we can just sit and chat and listen to Disney songs (all of which we did today); I doubt how much work we're going to get done but that's a different matter.

It was so crazy going back to my tutor and meeting the new Year 12's because I remember being in their position and it doesn't feel like a whole year has been since then. Its so weird thinking that I'm literally in my thirteenth year of school. My last year. I can't believe either that I'll be going to university next year; I really want to blog everything that happens with open days, UCAS applications and eventually offers. I think it would be helpful for people who are thinking about going to university and are not really sure how to do it. I know that I'm definitely going to be needing help for it.

Anyway I really think that this year is going to be a good one. I really just need to use my frees as effectively as possible because I need to make sure that I keep up with my workload and hand things in early. Trust me, thats the best piece of advice I will EVER give.

Read my last blog post: UPDATE AUGUST 2014 - where I explain what I did last month

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