Saturday, August 30, 2014


First of all I want to apologise for not posting at all in the last few weeks; I have been incredibly busy with a dozen things which I will explain. I have a whole list of things that I wanted to blog about this summer and I'm pretty annoyed that I haven't been able to do them but this should be changing soon. Once I go back to school I should be able to blog more regularly as I'll be getting into a more consistent routine. But this month has been absolutely CRAZY. I was planning on just writing just about my birthday but then I decided to just update you guys on what I've been doing for the last four weeks, so let's get into it.

The first thing that I really want to talk about is my volunteering that I've done over the summer. I did it at two different places, one at my local library and one at the SureStart Children's Centre. I had been looking into doing something for months but my exams were obviously my top priority at that time so I decided to wait until the six weeks. I went to both places and just asked if volunteering was something they did and luckily for me, it was. At my library, I sat in on a session that they do there called Reading Buddies where they help people who perhaps struggle to read, or are just learning to speak English for example. It was really incredible being there because I've never realised how much I take advantage of being able to recognise letters and words and be able to understand what they mean. Some people don't have that and it really made me think about the education system and how this can fail some people, which is really sad.

Now the second place I volunteered at was at SureStart which I'm pretty sure only exists in the UK. Basically it is a children's centre which aims to give young kids the best possible chance in life by helping with their early education and general health. The programme that I was involved in was the Early Words Together; its basically a series of sessions which helps children under the age of five with their reading and writing and things. It also encourages parents to become actively involved in their children's education. I thought it was so cool because I've never really been seen this type of thing before.
The only thing which I really hate is that because I'm going to be going back to Sixth Form next week, it means I can no longer volunteer at the library or at the children's centre. It clashes with my timetable because most of the sessions are in the morning and I obviously can't do that. They do afternoon sessions at SureStart but since it takes me an hour to walk home, I would completely miss them so its not really worth signing up to do it. I do hope though that I would be able to volunteer at half term and things like that.

Another thing that I wanted to talk about, which I mentioned before, is my birthday. As you probably know, I turned 17 on the 27th of August which I actually forgot about to be honest. I was so busy trying to finish my summer homework as well as doing my volunteering, and getting my results and everything. It was just insane. I had already sorted out what I was doing for my birthday; I went really traditional with just a dinner with three of my best friends and then a sleepover afterwards. It was really cool to just hang out all together because one of my friends does not go to the same Sixth Form that we go to so we rarely see each other anymore. Its such a shame because we've known each other for over six years now which I think is absolutely mental to have kept the same friends for that long.

Now I didn't actually get a lot of presents this year because I was given money mainly. My favourite present though was from my mom who gave me a Kindle Fire HD which I've never really looked into getting before. I never asked her for it so it was a complete surprise that she bought me one. I have literally been on it for the last few days just spending my hours doing nothing, which probably isn't the best considering I am going back to Sixth Form on Tuesday and I still haven't finished all of my work. I will be making that  a priority tomorrow and Monday so don't worry.

I think thats pretty much all I've got to say about August as a whole. I'm sorry it was so long but sometimes you just have such a busy month that'ss full of so much stuff, you just need to unload everything before you can start anew. And this post has been that for me. Now that its approaching school time, I will be writing another post about Sixth Form probably after my first official day of year 13 so I would expect that in the next few days.

Check out my last blog post: AS Results 2014 - where I tell you what grades I received after a stressful first year of Sixth Form

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