Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!!!

Whether you're celebrating at a fancy dress party, trick or treating with friends or simply staying at home, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. I know that some people aren't really that bothered about it and to be honest, I'm not either but I hope that everyone has had or is having, a wonderful day whatever they're doing. Just remember to enjoy it and relax a little before we start panicking about Christmas. Its a day to celebrate however you want to, so make sure you definitely do.
For me, I used to go trick or treating, usually dressed as a witch because I was not that adventurous with my costume choices but I remember absolutely loving it. As I've gotten older, I've been to a few Halloween parties which I think is such a good idea because its the perfect time to buy spooky merchanise, even though I never have done for my own house. Maybe I will when I'm older because I LOVE getting into the festive mood throughout October. The absolute best thing about Halloween though is seeing the really little adorable outfits that kids wear because they look so cute.

Anyways, the point of this short post is just to say have fun and be safe, love from Tayla xx

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October Favourites 2014

I thought I would write a little post about my favourite things in October. I will admit that I've had these on my list for ages and I was going to include them in last month's favourites, but I had only been liking them for a week or so at the time so I decided to push them into this blog post. But the bright side of this is that it means that I am very confident in the products because I've been using, and liking them, consistently for ages. So let's get going!

Body Products:
Zoella beauty Creamy Madly Dreamy body lotion: I ordered this online pretty much the first day it came out and I have to say that I am SO happy I did. I use it after I have a bath and it just makes your skin feel absolutely amazing. The name 'Creamy Madly Dreamy' is so perfect because its such a thick body lotion that it really makes you feel like its doing goodness. I think it feels even better because its Zoe Sugg's product, a youtuber that I've been watching for years. Her blog is one of the reasons that inspired me to create my own and so I feel very proud when I see her products on the shelf of Superdrug. I completely recommend using the body lotion and I've even bought the Soak Opera bath soak and shower cream which I will no doubt be reviewing in my next monthly favourites. I also wanted to buy the fizz bar but I have not been able to find it in my local Superdrug, I'm guessing because its been sold out. This is my second time buying the Creamy Madly Dreamy body lotion and once I've used that, I will definitely be purchasing it again. The best thing about it is that its so affordable for the quality which is just perfect for me.

Makeup Products:
SEVENTEEN Make Your Mark Eyeliner Pen: Now I only really starting using this because I just felt like a bit of a change when it came down to my eyeliner. Its really quick and easy to use when is perfect for school because I really don't have a lot of time in the morning. That's basically why I chose to put it in my favourites because it literally takes 10 seconds to do each eye which is all I need from an eyeliner, especially just one that I use for school. I would recommend this for anyone who has just started wearing eyeliner or needs something quick that gets the job done.

TV shows:
Glue: This TV show has probably been my favourite new programme in absolutely ages. I mean, its SO good. Its made by the same people who created the Skins which I loved and its kind of the same style of show. It also makes me think of Misfits which I really enjoyed as well, I don't know if these people did that too but that's another similiar show that I loved. There's loads of suspense, sex and secrets and I've really got into it recently. There's only been a few episodes out so far but I'm actually obsessed with it, its so great. The only thing I would say is that its probably for older teens, young adults I guess, because like I said, there is a lot of sort of swearing, drugs and things like that. Its on E4 and you can catch up on 4oD if you live in the UK; I don't know where or even if you can watch it anywhere else in the world. Anyway, there's a lot of young actors in it, some of who I've seen in other things but there are some that I've never seen and have been very impressed with everything that they've done. I would absolutely recommend watching it if you can, especially if you liked Skins as I've mentioned.

Temple Run 2: I've only started playing this game since I got my Kindle Fire HD but I'm literally obsessed. I don't know why because I'm not usually into games as I've mentioned before, but this one is different for me. I play like 10 games in a row and its becoming such a problem because I'm not getting enough work done which is ridiculous. I would suggest anyone downloading it if you have a spare few hours in the day that you need to fill. It's a free app which is good as well because I refuse to spend any money at all on a game.

So that's all of my favourites for this month. I would love it if you would follow my blog because I really try to write as often as possible. Anyway, the link to my last post is below if you fancy reading that!
Tayla xx

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Open Days: The University of Lincoln

I visited my second university which was Lincoln and I have to start off by saying that I really thoroughly enjoyed it. I've already done a lot of research into the courses that I like but I've wanted to visit their Open Day to get a feel for the university. I think that this day was probably better than my day at Salford because I planned everything that I wanted to see. It also meant that I knew what times I had to get there for and how long certain things would take.

We left at about 10am because my Psychology talk started at 12pm and I knew it took just over an hour and a half to get there. However, we actually didn't make it in time because there was absolutely crazy traffic just trying to get into the city of Lincoln as well as loads of road works along the way. We missed it by about 15 minutes but by the time I had registered and things, I really just didn't see the point in going and having to walk in late.

We went to see the Psychology stalls but we only spoke to one person because I was a little bit intimidated. I mean, there were so many student reps and lecturers to talk to but because there weren't a lot of visitors speaking to them, I didn't want to be the only one there and have everyone crowded round me. Besides, I already knew a lot about the courses because I had looked at them online and decided which one would be best for me, which is the Psychology with Clinical Psychology course. Now, I want to do clinical or abnormal Psychology but I didn't want to get a degree in just that when I could change my mind. I wanted to get a general Psychology degree and then focus in on whatever I really enjoyed for my Masters. However, after researching Psychology at Lincoln University, I was more attracted to the Clinical Psychology course because there are several modules about mental health, which is what I am interested in.

Then we went to lunch and both me and my mom had fish and chips; I was actually surprised at how good they tasted because I actually don't eat any seafood. The only thing that really annoyed me was that while we were eating, I'm pretty sure I saw a girl who went to my high school who I HATED. I really hope that if I do decide to go there then she doesn't because I just can't stand the thought of seeing her every day. I know she probably won't be on my course but it would just ruin everything.

Now the next thing we did was go on the walking campus and accommodation tour. I really liked the student rooms because they were a lot bigger than I thought that they would be. We spoke to this really nice girl in one of the buildings that only houses first year students, and she said that she was loving Lincoln university. Obviously she's a bit biased but I really enjoyed looking round the place. We also went and saw the Sports Centre they have and it was so good. I'm not exactly the exercise type but its nice to know that I could particiate in it if I wanted to. We were going to go round the entire campus but we realised that it would just go back round in a circle and there was nothing else that we needed to see, so we went home.

Overall, I really enjoyed the University of Lincoln because I just felt like it catered to everything that I would need. My mom actually loved it as well, I mean she spoke every few minutes about how great I would fit in here. It didn't really bother me because I did enjoy it as well and I could see myself living and studying there.

The University of Lincoln:

You can read my last post here: September Favourites  - where I write about everything I was enjoying last month

Monday, October 06, 2014

September Favourites

I thought I'd write about my favourite things from September which sounds weird to say because it feels like the month just started and yet its already over. This year has gone so fast, it'll be Christmas before we know it. I'm really looking forward to Autumn this year because I really want to take some cool photos which I can display on here. Until then you'll just have to read what I've been enjoying recently. There have been quite a lot of new things that I've liked this month and so I've had to catergorise which ones can go into next months Favourites post, if I've only been loving it in the last week or two. Anyway, let's get started!


Cool Kids by Echosmith: I've literally played this song on REPEAT and every time I hear it, I love it even more. I first heard a cover of the song on Vine months ago which I really enjoyed. I kept singing those six seconds over and over and over again and it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I found out it was a real song by Echosmith, which admittedly I hadn't heard of either. The song is just so good that I can't stop playing it; it has a very indie yet calming type vibe which for some reason, really resonates within me. I would really enourage people to listen to the song and just enjoy it.

Hair Products:

Aussie Dual Personality Curl Definition and Soft Feel Serum: I can't remember when or if I bought this but I've only started using it recently. I don't know why, I just found it in one of my drawers and so I thought I would try it. I only use a few pumps on the ends of my hair after I get out of the bath and I really think it makes a difference. My hair just feels  much more manageable which is literally all I need from my hair because it can get ridiculously difficult to style at times. I find that the brand Aussie is always so reliable because I feel like everything they produce is just brilliant for your hair. I've used a lot of their shampoos and conditioners before and loved them, so I definitely would recommend buying them from. I know that you can buy Aussie products from Boots and Superdrug, and its super cheap and smells incredible.


Kindle Fire HD: As you know, I was given this by my mom for my birthday and I spoke about how much I loved it, and now I love it even more. I use it mostly for blog ideas because its massive screen means that I can plan when I'm going to write or how much I've written on a particular post. I like playing games on it as well as reading my books for school, I just really really like it.

Body Products:

Palmolive Naturals Smooth Delight Shower Milk: This is probably my absolute favourite product over the last few weeks. Now, I'm not sure if I like a specific one because I haven't been looking at the labels really, but the one that I'm using right now is the one with Macadamia Oil, Cocoa and Moisturising Milk which is just perfect. I squeeze it into my running bath water and it creates the most amazingly luxurious bubbles, as well as using it on body. It makes my skin feel so soft and hydrated, like its unbelievable. I would definitely recommend it to anyone because its just beautiful.

You can read my last blog post: Open Days: The University of Salford - where I tell you what I thought about Salford uni