Monday, October 06, 2014

September Favourites

I thought I'd write about my favourite things from September which sounds weird to say because it feels like the month just started and yet its already over. This year has gone so fast, it'll be Christmas before we know it. I'm really looking forward to Autumn this year because I really want to take some cool photos which I can display on here. Until then you'll just have to read what I've been enjoying recently. There have been quite a lot of new things that I've liked this month and so I've had to catergorise which ones can go into next months Favourites post, if I've only been loving it in the last week or two. Anyway, let's get started!


Cool Kids by Echosmith: I've literally played this song on REPEAT and every time I hear it, I love it even more. I first heard a cover of the song on Vine months ago which I really enjoyed. I kept singing those six seconds over and over and over again and it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I found out it was a real song by Echosmith, which admittedly I hadn't heard of either. The song is just so good that I can't stop playing it; it has a very indie yet calming type vibe which for some reason, really resonates within me. I would really enourage people to listen to the song and just enjoy it.

Hair Products:

Aussie Dual Personality Curl Definition and Soft Feel Serum: I can't remember when or if I bought this but I've only started using it recently. I don't know why, I just found it in one of my drawers and so I thought I would try it. I only use a few pumps on the ends of my hair after I get out of the bath and I really think it makes a difference. My hair just feels  much more manageable which is literally all I need from my hair because it can get ridiculously difficult to style at times. I find that the brand Aussie is always so reliable because I feel like everything they produce is just brilliant for your hair. I've used a lot of their shampoos and conditioners before and loved them, so I definitely would recommend buying them from. I know that you can buy Aussie products from Boots and Superdrug, and its super cheap and smells incredible.


Kindle Fire HD: As you know, I was given this by my mom for my birthday and I spoke about how much I loved it, and now I love it even more. I use it mostly for blog ideas because its massive screen means that I can plan when I'm going to write or how much I've written on a particular post. I like playing games on it as well as reading my books for school, I just really really like it.

Body Products:

Palmolive Naturals Smooth Delight Shower Milk: This is probably my absolute favourite product over the last few weeks. Now, I'm not sure if I like a specific one because I haven't been looking at the labels really, but the one that I'm using right now is the one with Macadamia Oil, Cocoa and Moisturising Milk which is just perfect. I squeeze it into my running bath water and it creates the most amazingly luxurious bubbles, as well as using it on body. It makes my skin feel so soft and hydrated, like its unbelievable. I would definitely recommend it to anyone because its just beautiful.

You can read my last blog post: Open Days: The University of Salford - where I tell you what I thought about Salford uni

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