Saturday, May 02, 2015

Spring 2015

For the last few weeks, I've been taking photos of just cool flowers that I've seen on my way to Sixth Form as well as just out and about. Now here in the UK, it had been raining for what feels like forever and then all of a sudden, the sun APPEARED. The flowers bloomed, the temperature rose and everyone started acting so much more pleasant. I really appreciate the seasons just in general, especially since I've been writing this blog and dedicating certain posts over the years to wonderful beauty that is nature. As I've said, it takes me a few weeks to collect the photos and so doing this sort of confirms the fact that its time for the seasons to change.
 The photo on the left is genuinely one of my favourite photos I've taken for this post. I took it in one shot on my way home and I just thought it looked cool. The entire field I walk through in the right photo is absolutely filled with daisies and it made me think of my childhood. I spent so long making daisy chains with my friends during lunch time so now whenever I see the flower, I always just feel happy and sentimental about that particular time in my life.
I walk past these flowers every day and I've always thought they were so beautiful. It's not really captured well in these photos because they're hanging over someone's garden wall. I had to go on my tip-toes just to take the photos which is why they look a bit off. Anyway, I really like the bright pink so I thought I would show you guys.
 I literally have no idea what the yellow flowers are but they were as bright in real life as they are on here. The purple flowers in the middle are actually part of someone's tree in their front garden and I'm so glad I managed to get this photo when I did because they really look their best here. The flowers themselves have been drooping and fading in recent weeks which is actually annoying because they are so beautiful. They are also right across from a field where I tried to take a photo of the sheep in there because the quality of my camera (also known as my phone) is really REALLY bad.

I'm pretty sure these photos are from two separate blossom trees from around where I live. Now I think they are so beautiful and it really represents Spring to me because I used to have a blossom tree near my house and again it represents my childhood.

I thought I would save the photo below for the end because I just thought it was the MOST beautiful picture I've probably ever taken. I also thought that it should be on its own for this very reason; take a second to just appreciate it...
I did take a few photos from the other side so that you could see how large the tree is but again, the quality wasn't the best plus it was quite a cloudy day at the time so the photos didn't look great. That's why I'm so glad I have this one because it just looks amazing. I did also try to take a few photos from under the tree like I did with the white blossom tree but there was so many people looking at me, I just didn't have the courage to stop to take a photo because it would have been super obvious. Anyway, whenever I walk home and I see this tree, I cannot help but smile at how beautiful nature can be.
Tayla xx

PS. If anyone wants to read the other posts I have dedicated to the seasons, then the links are below so you can have a little read of them if you would like. Just a word of warning, the format of some of the posts were a bit rubbish BUT in my defence, I was just learning how to blog and I feel like I have improved a lot since I started so. Alright, now you can read them...

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