Tuesday, June 09, 2015


Yesterday was my blog's second birthday and I have to say I was super EXCITED. I feel like it was literally only a few weeks ago that I created this wonderful little website, if I do say so myself, but the fact that it was two years ago just BLOWS my mind. I've had yesterday's date set on my phone since last year because I always wanted to remember when I started blogging and because I'm a sentimental idiot. I will leave a link to last year's birthday blog post called HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLOG. (I see my blog titles are just as straightforward as ever). Anyway, I wanted to talk about a few things that have changed for me in the last two years.
Joining Sixth Form was probably the biggest life change for me. I went from my high school, my sort of safe place I guess you could say since I had all of my friends there, I knew all of my teachers, it was close to my house, plus I'd spent FIVE WHOLE YEARS there so I was comfortable. But when it came time to leave, I chose to go to a Sixth Form that wasn't in the same area so the only people I knew, were the small handful who came from the same high school as me. Looking back, it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be and I settled in really quickly. The walk there, as I've mentioned many times before is an hour long and yet I've sort of gotten used to it now so it really isn't that bad. Last Thursday was my last official day and I have to say that walking out of there made me feel really good. I think I've changed a lot as a person because of that place and I really appreciate it. I'm more accepting of different ideas which I feel like maybe I lacked before. I'm hoping that this will continue on because it was a really good learning experience for me.
Another thing that I wanted to talk about which has changed in the last two years is the fact that I now have a job which is so GREAT. It's only part time, on a 13 week contract but its been really good so far. It kind of came at the right time for me because I started about 5 weeks ago which was right before my AS resit exams. Since then, I've gotten used to the hours I work and the general things I have to do during my shift, so I feel like I've settled in well. Everyone is so nice and they always help me whenever I ask, which is pretty much every shift because I'm always the one customers ask despite the fact I know where NOTHING is in the store. If someone asks me where something is in my department, then I'm just about helpful but anything else, and I'm USELESS. One of the biggest reasons why I'm happy I now have a job is because once I finish my exams in 2 weeks time, then I'm going to ask to pick up more shifts so I can earn some more money. My goal is to have £1000 in my bank by my birthday so I have a little bit of freedom in my first few weeks at university, so I can settle in before I have to find a job and become a real adult.

The last thing I wanted to talk about which is another big thing I guess, is my driving lessons. Now, I'm not going to fully go into detail, just because I might write about it in a future blog post if I ever pass my test. Anyway, I've finished my lessons for a little while just while my exams are happening and I will continue them after but for right now, its just better to come back to them in a few weeks. I'm changing instructors as well because while the person teaching me is really good, the lessons are so expensive and its taking me forever to save money which I HATE. I've always been good at saving money but ever since learning to drive, it breaks my heart wasting that much money, especially since the company I use only does 2 hour lessons so I'm literally buying new lessons every few weeks.

Overall, that's probably all I have to say right now. Its kind of been a crazy few years which I can't even begin to summarise in this little conclusion so I will leave a link to my past UPDATE blog posts in case you want to have a little read. Soon I will be blogging more and I know I say that ALL the time but honestly, Sixth Form and exams are taking up my entire life but its almost over. And I'm so happy. I will update you guys on how my exams went like I did last year; I actually did my first real exam this afternoon so I will start that post and just add to it every time I've done another one. So, I'll end this blog post right here, I hope you have a wonderful week doing whatever you're doing and I wish anyone doing exams good luck over the next few weeks.

Tayla xx



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