Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I wanted to write a blog post on how this month has been going because its been pretty good so far. It was this blog's second birthday earlier this month which I've had marked down on the calendar and yet I still almost managed to forget because it was just before my exams started. Anyway, I thought I would do a little update because there's been quite a few good things that have happened recently which I thought I would tell you about.
One of them is that I passed my driving theory test last week which is so great, I didn't tell anyone that I had it booked just in case I didn't pass again. But I did and I'm so happy as well. I've also been helping my friend with advice on passing your theory because she is planning to book hers soon. Anyway I want to look into starting my driving lessons again because I have a goal of passing my practical test before my 18th birthday, or at least before I go off to university.
Like I said a few blog posts ago, I am looking into starting my driving lessons again but I'm definitely going to have to research it a lot beforehand in order to get the best person for me. I want to write a whole post on my driving experience once I eventually pass because its been kind of a rollercoaster for me personally. I just wish that I'd looked into it a lot more before I started because its more difficult, and more expensive, than people think. I want to be about to write about my own experience on learning how to drive.
Probably the biggest thing I wanted to update you on is the fact that I have FINALLY finished Sixth Form. All of my exams are done and overall I think they went pretty well. I don't know if I told you but I did 10 exams this year, 3 of which were re-sits for Year 12. I did 2 Psychology re-sits, Core Studies and Research Methods, and then 1 English re-sit on WW1. I thought all 3 of them went better than last year but honestly, I don't know how much more marks I would have scored. I mean, I was pretty confident about last year's Psychology and English exams and yet I got a D and C overall so who really knows?
So the exams I did this year went as good as can be expected. I felt really good leaving every single one of them because I could answer pretty much all the questions. I did 2 General Studies exams (one of which went better than the other), an English exam on Love Throughout the Ages, 2 Psychology exams (one on Health and Clinical Psychology and Forensic Psychology and the other on Research Methods and Approaches) and 2 Sociology exams (one on Beliefs and one on Crime and Deviance). I felt really funny on the last day, I had 2 exams and I had signed out of Sixth Form before my final one so I literally had nothing I needed to do. My last exam was General Studies so I didn't revise for the last few hours before it; me and my friend just sort of walked around school, had a few chats with our favourite teachers and just spoke around life. It was really weird but really good as well, after the exam was done, I just walked out feeling FREE. It was like this weight had been lifted, like I didn't have to revise for anything which means no stress, until results day that is.
So speaking of results day, its Thursday the 13th of August which is just over 6 weeks away. The anxiety has not yet set in but it definitely will at some point in the next month. I'm just hoping that I will forget about it for a little bit and give my mind a little bit of a break. I've been trying my best to distract myself with other things but unfortunately with work, I only do 3 days a week and so the rest of the time, my mind RACES.
Luckily though, I've been given a few more hours which uses up some time, plus I'll be earning some money which is great. As far as work goes, I've signed off some parts of my training card which is pretty cool. It was all fairly simple to be honest but I'm so glad I did. I've done about 6 weeks now and I feel very settled there. I know what I have to do every shift, certain priorities and the layout of my department. Like I said before, I'm on a 13 week contract so technically I'm about half way through but I really hope I am given the job at the end of it. It would be a good way to use my summer and earn a bit of money before I go off to university.
That's pretty much the end of my update for this month. There's not much else that I need to say apart from the fact that I am planning to write a few more blog posts and I know I say that all the time but honestly, I have so much more free time so I can write, and I WILL be. My last post is linked below as always; it was just a little update on the biggest things that have happened to me since I started the blog which was a really interesting one to write. If you want to check it out, feel free. There's also all of my other update blog posts linked within that one in case you want to have a little read.

Tayla xx


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