Sunday, June 30, 2013

"I'll be there for you cause you're there for me too"

Now I slept at my friend’s house on Saturday night and I had a brilliant time! We didn’t really do much except watch a few movies, eat junk food and talk about ‘stuff’. Whenever me and my four best friends get together, I find myself laughing more than I knew was possible, usually ending with me smudging all my makeup because I’m crying with absolute hysterics. We tend to have strange conversations and I often find myself wondering whether other friendship groups talk about the same things we do (I very much doubt it). We “tried” to watch 3 films, and by “try” I mean we couldn’t get through ten minutes without one of using talking and sparking an hour long conversation about testicles if I remember correctly.

One of the films we watched is a British film called The Inbetweeners Movie, (we always watch this at a sleepover, I don’t know why but we do). We call the film a ‘classic’ because it sort of represents our little group: not quite popular but not quite outcasts, ‘inbetween’ I guess. That inspired about weird discussion about which person in our group would be each character (a lengthy but important debate).

The amount of food we ate was absolutely ridiculous, pizza, garlic bread, popcorn, Oreos and cookies, but who cares? It’s actually quite rare that we physically spend time together because we’re all so busy with… life, I guess. The five of us talk to each other pretty much every day and one of us will often be having the same conversation with 2 people (a triangle of conversation if you wish).

Since finishing high school, we’ve been trying to organise more things for us to do as a way of making final memories together before we go our separate ways (I say separate, 4 of us are going to the same Sixth Form so we will still see other but I’m sure it’ll be different somehow). We’ve got plenty of photos capturing things from the last five years: funny haircuts, dodgy eyebrows- I went through a stage in year 8 where I basically had the smallest and most pathetic eyebrows known to man, not my best look if I’m being honest- and secret inside jokes that only we understand because “you had to be there”.

I’m just basically writing this blog post because I felt strangely reminiscent when I came home this morning, perhaps because I know that it’s probably going to be the last thing we do altogether and that makes me really sad but life goes on. I don’t deal very well with change, I like things to stay exactly the way they always were but I know that this is one change that I’m going to have to face up to, like it or lump it. I just wanted to say that I love my friends so much, they cheer me up when I cry, laugh at me when I fall over and mock me when I say something stupid. That’s what best friends do and I wouldn’t have them any other way :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Why do we judge others?

I wrote this about a year ago as part of an English assessment; it was one of my favourite essays to write because I really didn't plan to ramble on about 'judgement' and I don't think it was actually the aim of assignment but I didn't like the way people at school acted towards others. It got me thinking about the way we perceive strangers, out of that strange little moment came this...

Why do we judge? What is in us, as humans, that makes us feel the need to judge people we find inferior? It happens so often, we don't even stop to think about the effect of our actions. With every new person we meet, we have a second to think, make up our mind about them. We base our “first impressions” on their appearance, the first sentence they say and the way they say it.

We judge people all the time: celebrities, neighbours, friends and strangers, without even realising it. Sometimes though, we have the will power to avoid saying out loud the things we really should be thinking. Sometimes we don't. Those moments are usually the times when they hear you whispering about them. Its shocking, I’m not going to lie and say, I never say anything, because I’d be a hypocrite, but I’m trying to be a nicer person by using my “inside voice”.

So the next time you see someone on the street who looks “strange” or “weird”, remember they have a story as well. Those people you’re judging are human beings not freaks on display. They have a life and a past, that they shouldn't be discriminated for. You don't know what’s happened to get them to get them there in the first place, maybe they didn't fight through all that, to be belittled and humiliated. It’s not right and it’s not fair.

Why do we do it? Judge people who are different? What’s so great about everyone being the same? The world would be boring, without loud, quiet, eccentric, charming, cheesy, funny or smart people. It makes life interesting. Be yourself, be unique, be different. Try it.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I like TV alright? Get over it.

Now I'm a big fan of TV, I like to watch different types of shows because in a way, they are an extraordinary escape from my average life. The characters lead strange lives and do weird things that I wish I had the opportunity to do.

One of my favourite shows for example, is Doctor Who and to many of my friends, it does surprise them that I have even seen it let alone have it on a 'series link'. This is because I like Keeping Up With The Kardashians just as much. I don't know why I like it, but I do. I'm absolutely obsessed with that family, probably because I know I will never live a life as glamorous as they do. They get a lot of negative attention from the press about what they do and I understand it why its not to everyone's taste, but like I said, I love it. Most people don't have the money to do the things that they do which is why I suggest watching the show as a way of indulging yourself, because if they want to fly to a country, they fly in style on a PRIVATE JET (the way the other half live, eh).

Another show I love is The Big Bang Theory, I have been a fan from the start and I will continue watching to the very end. I watch basically all the shows on E4: How I Met Your Mother (I'm so upset that this is the second to last series), 2 Broke Girls, The New Normal etc. I think they provide not only comedy and a well written script but half an hour of escapism from the tedious tasks of everyday life.

As a 15 year old, I am constantly mocked by my friends because of my love of soaps. They are nationally loved in the UK by pretty much everyone. It's fully instilled into my 'weekly television viewing' and I always make sure not to miss my favourite shows: Eastenders, Coronation Street and Hollyoaks. I'm completely enthralled in the programmes, I love hating the baddies and shout at the TV in delight when the perfect couple finally get together after months of anticipation.
TV is a form of art that I, for one, absolutely love. Some people like to watch football or go to gallery, me? I like to watch programmes that people tend to hate. Deal with it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summer 2013 here I come!!!

There's no point to this blog post, I just wanted to update everyone on what's been happening lately :)

So, where do I start? All of my exams are over and thank God for that!:) I've been revising every day and now I can't wait to just sit back and relax in the sun (if we ever get any, haha). I've got my work experience soon and I'm super nervous yet really excited. It should be good because not only am I working with my friends, but it'll be a good experience that I can put on my CV. It sounds really weird saying but I think it should be really cool:)

I've got my exam results coming up as well but until then, I'm going to be working on my blog, hanging out with friends and family, just generally having fun before the craziness of Sixth Form starts in September. To those still finishing exams: stay focused and good luck! The rest of the summer is OURS.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Exams: Stressed or Relaxed?

Now, I'm writing this blog post while I really should be studying for my exams, oops. I'll get started in a bit but first I wanted to write a blog post because there are a lot of people out there currently studying for exams, nervous about their results later this summer. I only have 2 exams left and even though I am slightly anxious, I know that I will be able to look back on this time and know that I have done everything I possibly could have done.  Some friends of mine manage to get A*'s without even trying whereas other people revise for months and only manage to scrape a C.

It's not about grades at the end of the day, it's about being able to say that you have tried your hardest. That's probably why I'm not as stressed out as I should be; I know that I have tried and that's all I can do. It doesn't matter if you don't get the highest grades or the best marks, as long as you can say that you revised and focused on the task in hand, then it's fine.

Good luck to everyone sitting exams :)

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Starting Out

This is my first blog post and I'm slightly nervous just writing it now. I've wanted to do it for a long time but I've never had the courage until today. Nothing really has happened today yet I thought to myself, "it's now or never". That's the attitude I should have towards things that I enjoy and I do enjoy writing, I really do. I think basically what I'm trying to say is - don't think too much about what you love to do (especially if you're someone like me who worries constantly), take the plunge and do it!