Sunday, June 30, 2013

"I'll be there for you cause you're there for me too"

Now I slept at my friend’s house on Saturday night and I had a brilliant time! We didn’t really do much except watch a few movies, eat junk food and talk about ‘stuff’. Whenever me and my four best friends get together, I find myself laughing more than I knew was possible, usually ending with me smudging all my makeup because I’m crying with absolute hysterics. We tend to have strange conversations and I often find myself wondering whether other friendship groups talk about the same things we do (I very much doubt it). We “tried” to watch 3 films, and by “try” I mean we couldn’t get through ten minutes without one of using talking and sparking an hour long conversation about testicles if I remember correctly.

One of the films we watched is a British film called The Inbetweeners Movie, (we always watch this at a sleepover, I don’t know why but we do). We call the film a ‘classic’ because it sort of represents our little group: not quite popular but not quite outcasts, ‘inbetween’ I guess. That inspired about weird discussion about which person in our group would be each character (a lengthy but important debate).

The amount of food we ate was absolutely ridiculous, pizza, garlic bread, popcorn, Oreos and cookies, but who cares? It’s actually quite rare that we physically spend time together because we’re all so busy with… life, I guess. The five of us talk to each other pretty much every day and one of us will often be having the same conversation with 2 people (a triangle of conversation if you wish).

Since finishing high school, we’ve been trying to organise more things for us to do as a way of making final memories together before we go our separate ways (I say separate, 4 of us are going to the same Sixth Form so we will still see other but I’m sure it’ll be different somehow). We’ve got plenty of photos capturing things from the last five years: funny haircuts, dodgy eyebrows- I went through a stage in year 8 where I basically had the smallest and most pathetic eyebrows known to man, not my best look if I’m being honest- and secret inside jokes that only we understand because “you had to be there”.

I’m just basically writing this blog post because I felt strangely reminiscent when I came home this morning, perhaps because I know that it’s probably going to be the last thing we do altogether and that makes me really sad but life goes on. I don’t deal very well with change, I like things to stay exactly the way they always were but I know that this is one change that I’m going to have to face up to, like it or lump it. I just wanted to say that I love my friends so much, they cheer me up when I cry, laugh at me when I fall over and mock me when I say something stupid. That’s what best friends do and I wouldn’t have them any other way :)

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