Friday, August 23, 2013

GCSE Results 2013

Yesterday I went to my school to collect my GCSE results; now I remember going last year with my friends and didn't feel the slightest bit nervous. This might have been because I didn't have enough time to think about it, we finished school and a few weeks later I went and collected them. Also I walked with my friends so we talked the entire way there and it wasn't really a big deal. However this year, I had a 15 minute walk by myself where my brain was swimming in fear that I would fail. My heart was pumping so fast, I thought it might burst out of my chest.
I finally arrived at the school and met my friend, however, she wanted to wait for her boyfriend who was late because he was talking to his friend who had just got his results. I was so desperate to get them and just find out; we walked towards the exam hall where we found a sea of people outside, some crying and hugging. I went up to my friend Alice and found out that she was got the best results in the year and I was so proud of her. The noise of the courtyard was just overwhelming but the minute we walked into the exam hall, it became silent. I was given the envelope and I actually found it hard to even open them, my hands were trembling so much. Finally, I looked inside and was immediately confused with what I saw: two pages of marks, exam boards and grades. One of the teachers helped explain what I had gotten and it suddenly became a lot clearer.

I got 7 A grades and 3 B grades; the thing I was most surprised about what that I got an A in Spanish! I managed to get the same grade in English which confused me because I've been speaking English my entire life and I've only learnt Spanish in the last 2 years but I think it was down to my teacher who I cannot thank enough! Honestly, he was a genius.

I went home and told my mother; she was so proud of me. I told my Nan and she almost started crying on the phone, how cute. I told my aunty and uncle and my cousins, who congratulated me and said how happy they were for me. My mom bought me a card, a cake and gave me money which I honesty wasn't expecting. We sort of had a little talk and she said that I should be proud of myself but to be honest, I'm happier that I've made HER proud.
I've been looking forward to this for so long; the day I finished high school. I went to my Sixth Form that I'll starting in September, and officially registered. I'll be starting in a week and a half, and even though I'm really nervous, I'm more excited for this next chapter in my life.

Well done to everyone :)


  1. These are amazing results, congratulations! :) xx
