Sunday, November 24, 2013

I hate the cold.

Can I just say that I hate the cold? I HATE it. Always have, always will. I was never the child who went outside in the snow and made snowmen, I would much rather just sit inside in the warmth and laugh at the people who fall over (I live on a hill and when its icy outside, all I hear is people screaming as they fall over).

Now I must admit that I am looking forward to Christmas (regardless of the fact that it's only November) but I am not excited for winter. Its already starting to get colder so I've had to invest in a new winter coat before I freeze to death on the way to school (it was actually a Christmas present from my mom but she said that I could have it now because of the weather). I already know that if it starts snowing, there is no way that I'm going to school because the walk is already an hour long and can you imagine trying to get there through the ice and snowy gates of hell? Oh, I shudder to think. I've already fell over once and that was because I have to walk across a field and it'd been raining all night. Ughh. I hurt both my knee and my ankle so that was just fab. I'm also getting a sore throat so woo.

I hate being in school because its either freezing and the school doesn't have the heating on or you're unluckily enough to find a seat that's right next to the radiator and you get too hot. You see my dilemma? I just need school to not exist for the winter months. I mean, that would just be perfect, wouldn't it?

Friday, November 15, 2013

Dr Seuss, what a wonderful man.

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." - Dr. Seuss

This recently became one of my favourite quotes just because it sounds beautiful. The message makes you feel special for being you which I think is what everybody wants: Acceptance. Now, I like this quote for a few reasons: 1) because its way better than saying YOLO which even to this day, people STILL say. I just hate it. Especially when you hear little children say it, like no. Just no. The second reason is that I've sort of suddenly become fascinated with Dr Seuss. I know children in the US read his books a lot more whereas here children tend to read Jacqueline Wilson and Roald Dahl, I know I did.

I found the quote and just immediately loved it so I had to find out more about the man who wrote it. I found that he was very particular with his books, he kept them for YEARS without publishing them just to make sure they were perfect and I kind of understand that. I'm not saying that I'm on any level of him, he was one of the greatest writers of all time. I just know what its like to want everything that you produce, whether it be musically or academically or whatever, to be just right.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that even though people have told me that I can get a bit obsessive. I don't think of it as that though, I think of it as taking pride in whatever you've done. Everything you produce is a reflection of you. Every piece of work I hand into school, I have the highest standards of, re-reading it before handing it in to make sure that its the very best I can do. It's like this blog, I have loads of posts that I haven't published just because I don't think they're my best work. I think that you should have that attitude towards everything in life. Today in Maths, I was so close to giving up because I'd tried to do the equation 4 times and I just couldn't do it. I tried once more and I got it right. Perseverance is Power. 

Probably the last reason why I love the quote is because its not telling you to change or be something you're not; its okay to be different or 'strange'- God knows I've been called both. But I'm starting to accept that being a little bit weird is fine, I was called crazy a few days ago by some boy who I hardly know but do I care? NOPE. Because I am crazy. And that's just me. So you should take advantage of what makes you great, that's all the craziness and weirdness and everything in between. Just be You, okay?

Thursday, November 07, 2013

REVIEW: 'Story of My Life' by One Direction

I wouldn't call myself a 'fan-girl' but One Direction have just released a brand new single called the Story of My Life and I just LOVE it. Its so gooooooooooood (can I just say that Harry's vocals in the song sound amazing? He will always be my favourite). Its probably the best song One Direction have ever done, it sounds so much more mature since What Makes You Beautiful and I kind of like that.
The lyrics so beautiful because you can really see how much they've improved in the quality of their song-writing since they started. I think that Ben Winston, the director, really made the music video the best it could possibly be and I'm not afraid to admit it but I did cry.. more than once. I mean, it was just so beautiful. I remember watching them on the X Factor in 2010 and I loved them then. The plot of the video as well is just perfect, it really suits the song and whoever came up with that idea deserves a round of applause.

There was a whole thing on Twitter with 'Directioners' trying to take the Vevo record of the Most Watched Video in 24 hours from Miley Cyrus for Wrecking Ball (you can read that review here) but I don't think they did, or there was some sort of problem with the counting, I don't know. Anyways, I just wanted to write this post because the song has been out officially for 4 days and I really love it; its almost got 21 million views and it's only going to get better for them. They're literally one of the most famous bands in the ENTIRE world with probably the most loyal fan base ever.
 If the Story of My Life is any reflection on the songs on Midnight Memories then I think its going to be a good end of year for the boys. Well done, guys; the song was brilliant.

It took all of my will power to not just post pictures of Harry Styles.. We all saw his Halloween costume.. How ironic.

You can watch the video yourself here.

Sunday, November 03, 2013


It's November. Like how? Just how? I mean, this year has gone so quick and I'm about to go back Sixth Form to start my second half term tomorrow, boo. I just don't want to go back. I woke up today at half 11 and immediately regretted it since I need to wake FIVE, yes FIVE HOURS, earlier tomorrow. I don't know how I'm going to cope. Luckily, I've done all my work and haven't left it to the last minute like some of my friends so I can relax for the rest of the day.

I want to apologise firstly for not writing a post in a few weeks, my laptop charger has suddenly broke so I haven't been able to do anything. I started a post on Halloween but didn't get to finish it because of said laptop charger. My mom ordered me a new one but until then, I'm just going to have use hers to do my work.

Now, when I started this blog, I posted pretty much twice a week because it was before I started Sixth Form and I had plenty of free time. Then, when I did start finally started, I was basically only writing a post once a week because I was getting so busy. It started becoming a thing where I would leave it longer and longer between each posts and I really hated that. I want to make sure that I do write once a week at LEAST because its something that I do enjoy doing. I want to try and manage my workload a lot better in these next few weeks, not just so I can write on this blog but for the sake of my own sanity I think. There's nothing better than having the satisfaction of being about to relax knowing that everything you need to do is DONE. So lets have the rest of the day to ourselves and RELAX...