Friday, November 15, 2013

Dr Seuss, what a wonderful man.

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." - Dr. Seuss

This recently became one of my favourite quotes just because it sounds beautiful. The message makes you feel special for being you which I think is what everybody wants: Acceptance. Now, I like this quote for a few reasons: 1) because its way better than saying YOLO which even to this day, people STILL say. I just hate it. Especially when you hear little children say it, like no. Just no. The second reason is that I've sort of suddenly become fascinated with Dr Seuss. I know children in the US read his books a lot more whereas here children tend to read Jacqueline Wilson and Roald Dahl, I know I did.

I found the quote and just immediately loved it so I had to find out more about the man who wrote it. I found that he was very particular with his books, he kept them for YEARS without publishing them just to make sure they were perfect and I kind of understand that. I'm not saying that I'm on any level of him, he was one of the greatest writers of all time. I just know what its like to want everything that you produce, whether it be musically or academically or whatever, to be just right.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that even though people have told me that I can get a bit obsessive. I don't think of it as that though, I think of it as taking pride in whatever you've done. Everything you produce is a reflection of you. Every piece of work I hand into school, I have the highest standards of, re-reading it before handing it in to make sure that its the very best I can do. It's like this blog, I have loads of posts that I haven't published just because I don't think they're my best work. I think that you should have that attitude towards everything in life. Today in Maths, I was so close to giving up because I'd tried to do the equation 4 times and I just couldn't do it. I tried once more and I got it right. Perseverance is Power. 

Probably the last reason why I love the quote is because its not telling you to change or be something you're not; its okay to be different or 'strange'- God knows I've been called both. But I'm starting to accept that being a little bit weird is fine, I was called crazy a few days ago by some boy who I hardly know but do I care? NOPE. Because I am crazy. And that's just me. So you should take advantage of what makes you great, that's all the craziness and weirdness and everything in between. Just be You, okay?