Sunday, November 24, 2013

I hate the cold.

Can I just say that I hate the cold? I HATE it. Always have, always will. I was never the child who went outside in the snow and made snowmen, I would much rather just sit inside in the warmth and laugh at the people who fall over (I live on a hill and when its icy outside, all I hear is people screaming as they fall over).

Now I must admit that I am looking forward to Christmas (regardless of the fact that it's only November) but I am not excited for winter. Its already starting to get colder so I've had to invest in a new winter coat before I freeze to death on the way to school (it was actually a Christmas present from my mom but she said that I could have it now because of the weather). I already know that if it starts snowing, there is no way that I'm going to school because the walk is already an hour long and can you imagine trying to get there through the ice and snowy gates of hell? Oh, I shudder to think. I've already fell over once and that was because I have to walk across a field and it'd been raining all night. Ughh. I hurt both my knee and my ankle so that was just fab. I'm also getting a sore throat so woo.

I hate being in school because its either freezing and the school doesn't have the heating on or you're unluckily enough to find a seat that's right next to the radiator and you get too hot. You see my dilemma? I just need school to not exist for the winter months. I mean, that would just be perfect, wouldn't it?

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