Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Mysterious Cupboard

It doesn't matter where you live or who you are, there will be a place in your house that you never open or go in because its just full of clutter. Now of course, it depends on the type of person you are as to how big that place is, but even if you are the tidiest, most organised person, you WILL have one. It might be a drawer, a cupboard or even a room in my case, and you might have multiple of them, I know I do.

A Bratz bag? I was definitely
the height of fashion
Now, at the top of our stairs, we have a room. A small box room, not even big enough for a bed and for as long as I can remember its been full to the brim of 'stuff'. Board games, old TV's, dolls, basically my entire childhood. I've wanted to sort it out for years yet my mom has always said to just "leave it alone". I don't know why she decided to do it this half term, she just did - she's very impulsive, my mother. She bought loads of large plastic containers and vacuum bags, then got to work. I helped her for a few hours but every teddy, toy and tacky trinket turned into a 'lets reminisce about me as a baby' and I just couldn't handle that. I also left because I could sense an argument coming since I wanted to get rid of pretty much everything yet my mom didn't. She kept things that she remembered me playing with, even if I didn't, and chucked things I remembered and she didn't. So I think it was more about her thinking about my childhood rather than it being my memories. I was fine with that I guess, but she said she wanted a 'spring clean' but she hardly got rid of anything.

I think it was sort of symbolic for her though, obviously when she sees me every single day, she doesn't realise that I've grew up. I think she forgets that next year I'll be 18 and I'll be moving out to start my own life. I think that its only just started to become real for her, especially since my family have moved round the corner and so we see my younger cousins all the time. My youngest cousin is just about to turn 1 and so my mom has been enjoying buying him new things, I think she likes spoiling him because I don't want toys anymore and I think she misses that, especially since she never had a boy. She likes buying clothes and stuff for my other cousins as well which I think is cool.

Feel free to check out my last blog post: REVIEW: 'Midnight Memories' by One Direction

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

REVIEW: 'Midnight Memories' by One Direction

There was a lot of anticipation on Twitter over the release of this video and I, as a fan of One Direction, must admit I was looking forward to it. Every music video they've released I've loved but with Midnight Memories, I didn't really like it as much. I played the song a few times before the video came out as I was given the album for Christmas (you can read about that HERE), and it wasn't one of my favourites. If I could pick any song from the album that would be released as a single, it'd be Strong, just because I think its just beautiful.

However even though Midnight Memories is a good song, I  just don't think its great. The music video was a little 'plain' as well, usually I love everything One Direction brings out but this one was sort of a disappointment. It might be because the media released paparazzi photos of them filming in London so we sort of knew what was going to happen. I really wish the press would stop doing that, not just with music videos but films as well, it really ruins everything.

The story of the video was a little strange as well. I mean, it starts at a party where they're all bored because its really uneventful (it reminds me of primary school discos where there was balloons and flashing lights - 'them were the days' as the youth would say). Then the music starts and Harry walks in, looking all sexy, as he does, and so the song goes. They then decide to leave the seemingly dull party and gallivant round London, I mean who doesn't?

Anyway, I just wanted to review the song because its been out for almost two weeks and its almost gotten 18 million views on VEVO which is amazing. I had planned to write it straight away but I had blog posts that I wanted to publish first, then I haven't had time to write anything. This is the only day in ages that I haven't had work to do so I thought I'd take advantage of the situation. I've got a few stock-piled for the next few months which I really hate doing as it just feels like I'm cheating but I am determined to publish at least once a fortnight. Let's hope so.

You can watch Midnight Memories yourself HERE.

Feel free to check out my last blog post: My Morning Skin Routine

Friday, February 07, 2014

My Morning Skin Routine

I don't know why the image
is blurry, sorry folks.
Since I've been ill these last few days, I thought I'd write a little post on My Morning Skin Routine as I've had the day off Sixth Form yesterday and thought I needed cheering up a bit. I genuinely love discussing my makeup products and trying new skin things because its just something I enjoy. So let's get cracking!

Again, why so blurry?
The first thing I do when I wake up is use my Bliss Lid + Lash Wash Makeup Remover that my mom bought me. I've probably only used it about 4 or 5 times because I've decided to save it until I've been wearing a lot of eyeliner or mascara the day before. It's really good at just making sure that every ounce of makeup is off your lids and lashes (as the name would suggest, duh). Seriously though, just a quick wipe over your eyes takes everything off and it just feels so much better. Now I don't use it everyday because I use my face wipes for just removing most makeup as they're just a little less harsh. I'm not particularly fussy about the type of face wipes I use, as long as they do the job properly.

Plus, this makeup remover is slightly more expensive than most of the skin things I own so I'm trying to save it. What I do like about it is that it has almost no fragrance and is completely irritant free. There are loads of products that I've used that say that but this one really works. It doesn't hurt my eyes or make them sting or anything, its just a GOOD product.

The next thing I use is my Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing Cleanser which I've already sort of spoke about in my January Favourites 2014 blog post so I won't go on. I use it twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, using a cotton wool pad just to wipe it over my face. Its best when you've been wearing a considerable amount of foundation the day before because it just makes me feel better knowing that my skin is completely unclogged of all that makeup.

The last thing I use is my Simple Kind To Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser which I think I've spoken about before as well (it's getting to the point where I can't even remember what I've written on this blog so sorry its I'm repeating myself). You can read that blog post HERE, and that was written weeks ago and I still like it so. It makes my face feel all soft and lovely and "plump" - that might be the wrong word but that's the only descriptive word I can think, and I do A-Level English. I should be ashamed.

You can read my previous blog post here: Review: 'That Awkward Moment'

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

REVIEW: 'That Awkward Moment'

I wanted to write a quick review on the film as I absolutely loved it, so here's what I thought about it.

Last Wednesday, I went to the cinema with my three best friends to watch a film; we were going to see the Delivery Man the week before but something came up with one of my friends, so we changed the date until the week after to watch That Awkward Moment. I wasn't really expecting much because it was a last minute decision but I ended up really enjoying it. It's actually HILARIOUS. The premise is that there are three male friends played by Zac Efron, Miles Teller and Micheal B. Jordan, who suddenly all find themselves single at the same time.

They decide to make a pact to stay single and 'try to build up their roster'- a term I've only just learnt which means a group of people who you have who are willing to sleep with you and can be called upon at any time to fulfil such duties, the more you know eh? Obviously its not as easy as that, and so the film shows the struggles of them trying to maintain single and failing.

The story was okay I guess, there were parts that it sort of jumped and didn't really make any sense but apart from that it was a good film. What I will say though is that the comedic timing was absolutely spot-on. I think the jokes were well written as well, so much so that I think its sort of the perfect film for teenagers and young adults because there's a lot of good humour.

One thing that I was really surprised about was the amount of sexual jokes there were, and trust me there was a lot. I wasn't expecting as much swearing as there was either, especially since its Zac Efron. I don't think I've seen another of his films apart from the High School Musical movies so I was a bit surprised. Happily surprised. I forgot about how gorgeous Zac is and if anybody needs a reminder, this film is PERFECT for that.

Feel free to check out my last blog post: January Favourites 2014