Tuesday, February 04, 2014

REVIEW: 'That Awkward Moment'

I wanted to write a quick review on the film as I absolutely loved it, so here's what I thought about it.

Last Wednesday, I went to the cinema with my three best friends to watch a film; we were going to see the Delivery Man the week before but something came up with one of my friends, so we changed the date until the week after to watch That Awkward Moment. I wasn't really expecting much because it was a last minute decision but I ended up really enjoying it. It's actually HILARIOUS. The premise is that there are three male friends played by Zac Efron, Miles Teller and Micheal B. Jordan, who suddenly all find themselves single at the same time.

They decide to make a pact to stay single and 'try to build up their roster'- a term I've only just learnt which means a group of people who you have who are willing to sleep with you and can be called upon at any time to fulfil such duties, the more you know eh? Obviously its not as easy as that, and so the film shows the struggles of them trying to maintain single and failing.

The story was okay I guess, there were parts that it sort of jumped and didn't really make any sense but apart from that it was a good film. What I will say though is that the comedic timing was absolutely spot-on. I think the jokes were well written as well, so much so that I think its sort of the perfect film for teenagers and young adults because there's a lot of good humour.

One thing that I was really surprised about was the amount of sexual jokes there were, and trust me there was a lot. I wasn't expecting as much swearing as there was either, especially since its Zac Efron. I don't think I've seen another of his films apart from the High School Musical movies so I was a bit surprised. Happily surprised. I forgot about how gorgeous Zac is and if anybody needs a reminder, this film is PERFECT for that.

Feel free to check out my last blog post: January Favourites 2014

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