Friday, February 07, 2014

My Morning Skin Routine

I don't know why the image
is blurry, sorry folks.
Since I've been ill these last few days, I thought I'd write a little post on My Morning Skin Routine as I've had the day off Sixth Form yesterday and thought I needed cheering up a bit. I genuinely love discussing my makeup products and trying new skin things because its just something I enjoy. So let's get cracking!

Again, why so blurry?
The first thing I do when I wake up is use my Bliss Lid + Lash Wash Makeup Remover that my mom bought me. I've probably only used it about 4 or 5 times because I've decided to save it until I've been wearing a lot of eyeliner or mascara the day before. It's really good at just making sure that every ounce of makeup is off your lids and lashes (as the name would suggest, duh). Seriously though, just a quick wipe over your eyes takes everything off and it just feels so much better. Now I don't use it everyday because I use my face wipes for just removing most makeup as they're just a little less harsh. I'm not particularly fussy about the type of face wipes I use, as long as they do the job properly.

Plus, this makeup remover is slightly more expensive than most of the skin things I own so I'm trying to save it. What I do like about it is that it has almost no fragrance and is completely irritant free. There are loads of products that I've used that say that but this one really works. It doesn't hurt my eyes or make them sting or anything, its just a GOOD product.

The next thing I use is my Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing Cleanser which I've already sort of spoke about in my January Favourites 2014 blog post so I won't go on. I use it twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, using a cotton wool pad just to wipe it over my face. Its best when you've been wearing a considerable amount of foundation the day before because it just makes me feel better knowing that my skin is completely unclogged of all that makeup.

The last thing I use is my Simple Kind To Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser which I think I've spoken about before as well (it's getting to the point where I can't even remember what I've written on this blog so sorry its I'm repeating myself). You can read that blog post HERE, and that was written weeks ago and I still like it so. It makes my face feel all soft and lovely and "plump" - that might be the wrong word but that's the only descriptive word I can think, and I do A-Level English. I should be ashamed.

You can read my previous blog post here: Review: 'That Awkward Moment'

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