Sunday, April 20, 2014

Why do I write this blog?

Blogging is something that I really enjoy doing. Even though I haven't been doing it for long, almost a year now, I do like having control over something I've created by myself. There's something about being able to explain everything that's been going on in your head, that absolutely fascinated me. And that's the thing with blogs, they can be exactly the way you want them to be. You can make them about cooking or fashion, sports or gardening, makeup or lifestyle, or just a random mix of things like I do.

I always just sit on my bed when I write,
just because its the most comfortable
I like having the freedom to just sit down for 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the type of post, and just WRITE. I usually start with a topic that's been on my mind for a few days, or a new product I want to review, and then I just start. I don't really have to think about what I say because it all just comes out. I'll often stop and re-read things over to make sure they make sense but apart from that, I don't really filter myself because why should I? To me, this is my own little diary. Each post is a brief look into my world. My experiences. My life. And as I'm getting more experienced with it, you can see the change in my writing style from when I started. I'm confident with the way that I write and how to publish posts and things, even if I don't know how to follow other peoples blogs. But that's why I like doing this, because I'm learning. Every post documents a tiny part of the blogging world that I'm beginning to understand more and more each time. I know I'm inconsistent but trust me when I say that my little creation is always on the brain.
There are so many times where me and my friends have conversations and I realise that it would be the perfect blog post yet I never actually commit and write it. I do sometimes write posts but won't publish them if I don't feel like they're good enough. Its just about trying to make this the BEST that I can actually make it. And if you take anything from this, it should be that whatever you fancy like doing, there's always somewhere where you can start. Try it.

Feel free to check out my last post: World's WORST Teacher


  1. I love having a blog too! It's my space to talk about what I'm passionate about :)


  2. Exactly! I love having a place where I can talk about whatever I want too :)

    Tayla x

  3. awwwww i love posts like this, to find people who have the same passion for blogging as i do.

    xx Ken

  4. Oh thank you! I'm glad you liked it :)

    Tayla x
