Saturday, April 12, 2014

World's WORST Teacher

Since I started my A-Levels at a different place to where I've spent the last 5 years of high school, I had to meet new teachers in September and learn different teaching styles. Now altogether, I have 9 teachers (2 for each subject plus one General Studies teacher) and I can safely say that 8 of them are amazing. I completely trust their ability in teaching me and feel that any failures that I have at the end of the year will be my fault, and my fault alone. Apart from Statistics.

My teacher is absolutely, positively, without a doubt, the WORST teacher I have ever encountered. I don't think she understands the course well enough herself, let alone confident enough to teach it. I don't think it would feel as bad if we were still at GCSE because as difficult as they are at the time, you can basically blag your way through them. It is definitely NOT the same at A-Level and so we need a teacher who can TEACH and she can't.

If anybody asks her a question, she'll either panic and tell us something that doesn't make sense or she'll just Google the answer. Look, I understand we're in the technological age where we have the advantage of using a wide range of resources to acquire information needed but it's only 2014. We are not yet at a point in history where the use of teachers are obsolete.

She is so bad, its absolutely unbelievable. She once marked my homework and wrote that the "rank was in order not the data" which is true. I did write that the data was order because that's what my notes said. The notes that SHE made us write down, I'll have you know. She's constantly contradicting herself with information, one lesson she'll tell us that we need to know a formula and then the next, she'll say "we don't actually need that one because the exam will use a different one". She gives us equations and makes us do a few questions using that equation, only after we've spent an hour being confused, to say that we didn't really need it because its only one button on the calculator. I mean, what the hell is wrong with that women?

The worst thing is that Statistics  is that it isn't even difficult work, my other Maths teacher asked the smartest boy in my class if he was struggling with Stats and he said he was. My Maths teacher looked absolutely horrified, I don't think he really believed us when we said that she couldn't teach but hearing that boy say how horrible it was must have made him realise. Another thing is that our Stats grade goes together with our Maths A-Level and so all the hard work we do in Core 1 and Core 2 will be for NOTHING. So that's brilliant, I mean really, just fabulous. As if I'm not stressed enough, I have to LEARN Stats.

So I told my mom about it and she officially complained to the Head of Sixth Form at my school. I had a meeting with her and basically all she said was that I should revise myself and keep going to lessons. This doesn't really help because its what I've been doing for months really. It's just frustrating feeling so stupid because I can't even answer one question on Stats, that's how bad it is. I mean, I tried a past paper and almost burst into tears because it just made me so angry that I couldn't do it.

It's awful feeling bad at something when you know you could actually do it. I need to keep trying though, I mean this is my life. I'm not letting that woman's incompetence ruin my chances of passing my A-Levels.

Feel free to check out my last blog post: The Story of the NAKED 2 Palette

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