Friday, July 12, 2013

Could I be a personal organiser?!

Since I've finished school, I had free time before the 6 weeks started; my mom was at work so I pretty much spent the whole time home alone, watching YouTube videos, reorganising cupboards and thinking about new blog ideas. Now I don't think I would do that if I didn't have a certain personality trait. I do things to the extremes. I can't just watch one episode of something, I have to watch the whole series. I can't just tidy my room, I have to tidy the entire house. I can't just listen to one song, I have to listen to the whole album on repeat... all day.

It sounds weird but I feel like I have many qualities of an addict. Or just someone who has an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Probably the latter. I used to be a lot worse; I couldn't stand when my friends would re-organise my perfectly alphabetically arranged DVDs or my colour-coded clothes. I do like things in their place because it just looks nicer and tidier. I'm probably the only 15 year old who actually enjoys cleaning but I really do.

Now the rest of our house is really quite messy and I have tried to keep it tidy but I just don't have the will power to clean every single day. My mother is a walking disaster zone; she strolls in from work and just drops all her stuff. After I've spent hours cleaning, my mom ruins it within 10 minutes of walking through the door. My bedroom is the actual opposite. It is the tidiest room ever. Well, for a teenager. When I had my room re-done, I got new furniture (yay, I've had the same furniture my entire life) and I now have plenty of storage space so I can put all my things away and maintain the room the way I like it to be. I also got rid of all of the 'knick-knacks' because they just annoy me. Its way too much clutter for me to deal with so I have just the main essentials on show which I think looks a lot nicer and organised.

I don't really know why I decided to write this blog post, I guess just to do things in moderation, maybe? Who knows, eh? The heat must be messin' with my brain...

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