Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Induction Day

So today was my Induction Day at my Sixth Form and it's basically a day where you get to sample the lessons you've chosen to make sure it's the right choice for you, meet your teachers and have a quick look around the school. I was supposed to start walking at 7:15 (so ridiculously early) because it takes an hour to get there, however, my friend's dad drove us there so we left at 7:50 instead. Since there was only a small group of us from my high school, we stood together before the assembly. It was funny because I had hardly even spoke to any of them before (apart from my 3 friends) but because we were the 'newbies', we huddled awkwardly at the main hall. After we'd signed in, we had an assembly where me and my friends were more interested in the booklet that we had been given regarding classes and a map of the campus.

My first lesson was English and unfortunately, I had to sit on my own while my 2 friends sat together. I met a girl called Lauren who seemed a bit awkward because she didn't really talk. I was looking forward to English but that 'taster lesson' wasn't the best. The teacher didn't introduce herself at all so me, Katie, Cara and a new boy called Bailey tried to work out which festival she had been too. We went through 2 poems which was really boring and at the end of the lesson, we were given a book to read before September starts - oh the joys, eh?

The second lesson was Psychology and I found it really interesting. I worked in a group of girls but only properly spoke to a girl called Sarah. We did several psychological experiments which was fun and I was surprised because there's not many people in my class.

We had break where we all met up at the main hall; it was really weird because the Sixth Form and the main high school are on the same part of school so we saw year 7's walking around with 18 year olds.

The third lesson was Sociology and after getting lost and accidently walking through a Biology laboratory, I saw another girl, Hannah, who was doing Sociology also. I started talking to her on the way up to the classroom where she met with her friend, Ella. We all started talking and sat together while doing the work. The teacher was actually away so we were introduced by a group of year 13's. However, I did have a really good time; Hannah and Ella were so nice and lovely which I found a bit weird considering I was the outsider (they had both came from the same school).

The fourth lesson was Maths and I'd heard was Hannah that it had been really difficult and that she was thinking about changing her option. I was getting really nervous but I quickly settled into my class because I sat with my friend Maria. The work was pretty easy so I'm hoping its going to be like that for the next 2 years, I doubt it though. We got given homework that we have to do before school starts but it doesn't seem too bad.

I went home after that and because of the way my timetable had been organised, I had a free lesson whereas my friends had had theirs at the start of the day. It was so hot and considering I had to walk home alone, I made pretty good time. I kept thinking that I was going to get lost walking home because I'd only walked there twice and it's a good 40 minutes.

Overall, I had quite a good time there, I really enjoyed and I am still confident in my choices. I have to go back there on GCSE Results Day to bring in the right documents but until then, there's pretty much nothing to do apart from write blogs and prepare for Sixth Form :)

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